Fotograf Harry Weber
People, Portrait, Industrie, Reportage/Event, Film, Werbung
Prinzessinnenstr. 16
10969 Berlin
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Infos Fotograf Harry Weber:
Harry Weber collaborates with motivated creatives and producers to create catching images suitable to each brand. Harry is working as a photographer and director/DOP, supporting clients in all issues ... Feel free to contact me!Kunden:
Avantgarde, Ballhaus West, BBDO, BBDO Proximity, Berger Baader Hermes, Birkenbeul, Bitteschö, Blumberry, Buddybrand, Campaigning Bureau, DCMN, Diffferent, Dopamine, Dorland, Elbstern, Freunde des Hauses, Glück, Goodstein, The Goodwins, Gruner & Jahr, Grabarz & Partner, Heldisch, Jung von Matt, Mccann Erickson, Neues Handeln, Ogilvy, Peix Healthcare Communication, Realgestalt, Ressourcenmangel, Ruf Lanz, Saint Elmos, Scholz & Friends, Serviceplan, Short Cuts, SUPER an der Spree, TBWA, Territory, Thjnk, We Do, TTLG, Wolf/Osmankovic, Zum goldenen HirschenArbeitsbereiche:
Peoplefotograf, Portraitfotograf, Industriefotograf, Reportagefotograf / Event, Filmfotograf, Werbefotograf