photographer Deniz Saylan
People, Portrait, Industrie, Transportation, Film, Werbung
10551 Berlin
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Infos photographer Deniz Saylan:
My name is Deniz Saylan and I'm a photographer and filmmaker based in Germany. I am specialised in advertising, portraiture, corporate and automotive photography.Kunden:
Clients (selection)Daimler, Bombardier, Rotax, Spie, Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, Infiniti, Jaguar, BMW, Rolls Royce, SMART, Renault, COMMERZBANK, UBS, Alfa Romeo, Opel, Blanco, American Express, Bechstein, Vorwerk, EnBW, Breuninger, Qatar Foundation, United Arab Emirates
Peoplefotograf, Portraitfotograf, Industriefotograf, Transportation - Fotograf, Filmfotograf, Werbefotograf