blachura | photography
Fotograf für People, Portrait, Akt, Bewerbung, Reportage/Event, Hochzeit
Theodor-Krüger-Straße 6
30167 Hannover
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Infos blachura | photography:
VITAgeboren 1985 in Germany
professional photographer
since 2005 in Hannover
I want to work together with you to make your next event unforgettable.
As your Photographer i will help your brand tell a story through photos. Looking beyond the usual shots to capture the power and emotion behind the event is what makes my pictures inspirational.
I specialize in event photography and portrait photography. It is my niche and i understand my corporate clients and their needs and i´m here to make their lives easier and their hard work shine.
Lets work together.
Kind Regards
Jan Blachura
P.S.: If you are interested in some Business-Portraits or some privat Portraits, just let me know.
Stadt HannoverPresseclub Hannover, Stadt Ibbenbüren ,Hannover 96, Delticom, hannoverimpuls, Stadt Hannover, Proklima, h1- Fernsehen aus Hannover, The Westin Grand-Berlin, Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH, NSI-Niedersächsische Studieninstitut für kommunale Verwaltung, TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH),Nds. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr, Büro für Popkultur GmbH & Co. KG, Enercity, Gesundheitswirtschaft Hannover e.V., Sängerin Lady-O, Medical Park Hannover GmbH, Kaneo GmbH, HorsePower Hannover e.V., CEEYS, Die Küche. German Made, hagebau- Handelsgesellschaft für Baustoffe mbH & Co. KG, mintahproduction, VonWegenVerlag, The Physics House Band, invest-in-niedersachsen, Tischlerei Dein Freund, Oberlehrer, Euro-Schulen Hannover, Designachten, Wienecke, Niedersachsen packt an, Heideglas, Slam2017, KKS-Hannover, Seminarraum Hannover, dieharke, Marktsoiegel-Verlag, Garbsen-City-News, Acatech, Burgwedel-Aktuell, Kunstfabrik-Schlot, Empore-Buchholz, tanjafoehr, IHK-N, Macht-Worte, filmblick-hannover,, radius30, Interdisziplinäres Institut für Automatisierte Systeme e.V. (RifaS), mytravelingpiano, Regjo, VIA-ECEC, Lothar Krist, expert, frejastutz u.v.m
Peoplefotograf, Portraitfotograf, Aktfotograf, Bewerbungsfotograf, Reportagefotograf / Event, Hochzeitsfotograf